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We are thankful!

November 25, 2021

We are thankful!

Well… it has been another tumultuous year!  But despite the ups and downs and all of the craziness, we, at Elation Real Estate, have a lot to be Thankful for.  As you’ve read in previous “scoops”, we’ve grown by leaps and bounds more than doubling the size of our team.  We were voted the Best Real Estate Brokerage in Pleasanton.  We don’t need a compass to get where we are going. We are happy and healthy and love what we do!!

But that’s Elation as a whole.  Our agents have a lot to be grateful for as well, so we asked them what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving season.  And this is what they had to say!

What are we thankful for.

“I am of course very thankful for my family, but this year I am also very thankful for someone who stepped in my life about 6 years ago. She made me a better person. Every time I listen to her struggles in life, my problems become so little compared with hers.  I am very proud of her and thankful to see she is taking steps forward although they look too small to others.”  ~Shahpar

“I hardly know where to start!  I have a wonderful family, terrific real estate career, and have had countless friends come into my life over the years.  Super grateful to have financial security.  Appreciate the fact that Covid cases are going in the right direction and, the fact that, we all learned a valuable lesson. from this pandemic.”  ~Rosie

“So much to be thankful for!  Thanksgiving is a beautiful reminder of all the wonderful things in life. From the long hugs and snuggles of your children and grandchildren, to time spent with family and friends, to those who watch over us to help protect and keep us safe. Life is filled with so many amazing things to be thankful for.“  ~Linda

“First of all, I would like to thank Michael and Viviana for all they do for us at Elation.  Also, Shawn and Gina… You have created a wonderful, comfortable place to work and play.  I am also amazed at how much you give back to our community; It is truly inspiring.  I am thankful for my dear family and friends that I get to spend my life with.”   ~Donna B

“I am grateful for another year, and one heck of a year it was. I was locked down and spent more time with my kids than ever before, laughed my tail off, cried more than a few times too. At some time last year, I lost my job of 23 years, had to get bifocals, put on more than a few lbs. I got a new job, which gave me a new appreciation of self I haven’t had in years, met some amazing people/clients many I now count as friends. Some people left my life, while I reconnected with others I lost from my past. Yet with ups there are downs, and yet I am still here striving & thriving! With all that has happened good or bad in my life I find myself grateful to just be here, healthy, a little more blind, but Happy!”  ~Amber

“I am so thankful for my many family members; those related and those who choose me as a member of their family – especially my Elation family!  I am thankful for my health and the health of those I love!”   ~Glen

“I am grateful for my family, my health, my clients and happiness along with all the wonderful people at elation real estate.”   ~Dennis

“I’m super grateful for my hubby Larry and my two fur babies Ella and Trudy. My family and friends. A beautiful warm home to keep me safe and great food to fill my tummy. For lessons on what to let go of no matter how hard it is to do so. For learning how to be the best me and stay in my own lane. For giving myself permission to go after what is most important to me. I have immense gratitude for this beautiful world we live in and for God for showing me how to keep my life as simple as possible.”   ~Dale

“I am thankful for family, friends, with good health for us all, and moments of joy, both big and small.“  ~Chrissy

“I’m so very grateful that we added a new baby to our family this year. This granddaughter completes our family. My family is my most cherished treasure.”  ~Marjorie

“I’m thankful for my children and my grandchild, my wonderfully supportive friends, the beauty of nature, and every breath I take!”  ~Annette

“Most importantly, I am thankful for my friends and family.  My health and the health of my family and friends. My amazing partner, Gina and my entire Elation crew.  I am thankful that, despite the craziness in the world, I’m still able to keep doing what I love each day… that I’ve been able to help others achieve the dream of homeownership and that I’ve been able to help guide others through the process of selling their home.  I am most thankful for my personal sign putter-outter guy, Michael, and my beautiful puppy, Max!”   ~Viviana

“I am Thankful for the Elation Family!  I love our group so much and feel grateful to be a part of such an amazing and diverse culture and a thriving company.”   ~Gina

We at Elation Real Estate want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for your love and continued support… oh, and your referrals!  😁

That’s The Scoop for now.  And as always, feel free to reach out to any one of us here at Elation Real Estate. Guided by experience, not a compass!

All the best,

Your Elation Real Estate Team



 ghost writer written by The Chermanator, blog master

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